BELGIUM / ITALY / NETHerlands / bulgaria / armenia
88 MIN
Luka, a young soldier craving battle, heads north to the legendary Fort Kairos where soldiers heroically defend the remains of civilization. He finds instead a dysfunctional force that has never even seen an enemy and is lorded over by a high command bloated with delusions of grandeur.

Luka finds comfort in friendships with Konstantin, an enigmatic radar engineer, and Geronimo, a light-hearted private. He proves his formidable sniper skills and gets promoted to Hawk. Stationed among the elite sentries who guard the outermost ramparts, his days melt into a haze of waiting until the day he spots a horse to the north. This triggers a string of tragic events that lead him ultimately to topple the illusion of Fort Kairos.
Cast & Crew
DIRECTOR: Jessica Woodworth
PRODUCERS: Peter Brosens, Jessica Woodworth
SCRIPT: Jessica Woodworth
MUSIC: Teho Teardo
SOUND: Marc Lizier, Stefano Campus, Paul Gies
EDIT: David Verdurme
PRODUCTION: Dokino, Bo Films, Krater Films,
Beluga Tree, Palosanto Films, Volya Films, Art Fest
CAST: Jonas Smulders, Geraldine Chaplin, Jan Bijvoet, Samvel Tadevossian, Django Schrevens, Sam Louwyck
Jessica Woodwarth
Jessica Woodworth is a Belgian-American film director, screenwriter and producer based in Belgium. Her previous fiction feature films are Khadak, Altiplano, The Fifth Season, King of the Belgians and The Barefoot Emperor, made with Peter Brosens. These films screened in over 350 festivals and won over 70 awards.

Jessica grew up between Belgium, Switzerland and the US and has since studied and worked in Italy, France, China, Mongolia and Morocco. She has a degree in literature from Princeton University and a masters in documentary film from Stanford University. She gives workshops for actors and directors, has been on juries worldwide and is a frequent mentor for film students.
The Virgin Diaries (doc․, 2001)
Urga Song (doc., 1999)
Khadak (2006)
Altiplano (2009)
The Fifth Season (2012)
King of the Belgians (2016)
The Barefoot Emperor (2019)
La Flotte (short, 2023)
Luka (2023)
Photos / Trailer
Tilda Publishing