Election is a sharp and satirical comedy about an overachieving high school student, Tracy Flick, who will do whatever it takes to become student body president. The story unfolds in a suburban high school and centers on the increasingly desperate attempts by her well-meaning but disillusioned teacher, Jim McAllister, to prevent her from winning the election.
Pilar Miró Award - Best New Director, Valladolid IFF, Spain, 1999; Best Actress, National Society of Film Critics’ Awards, USA, 2000
Cast & Crew
Producers: Albert Berger, David Gale, Keith Samples, Ron Yerxa
Director: Alexander Payne
Script: Alexander Payne, Jim Taylor (based on the novel by Tom Perrotta)
Director of Photography: James Glennon
Production Design: Jane Ann Stewart
Music: Rolfe Kent
Sound: Patrick Cyccone Jr., Richard Kitting
Editor: Kevin Tent
Cast: Matthew Broderick,Reese Witherspoon ,Chris Klein, Jessica Campbell
Production. MTV Films, Paramount Pictures, Bona Fide Productions