Armenia / Egypt
21 MIN

A young woman returns to Cairo, after being gone for 10 years, to organize an exhibition on the pioneer Armenian photographers who archived Egypt through time. As she prepares for the show. Her family, her past and the city of Cairo begin to take a hold of her.

Cast & Crew
Producer(s): Karim Mekhtigian, Dessil Mekhtigian
Director: Dessil Mekhtigian
Script: Dessil Mekhtigian
Production Designers: Hourig Mekhtigian, Dessil Mekhtigian
Music by: Hayk Karoyi, Hey Djan band
Edit: Ehab Gohar
Cast: Ali El Sabaa, Dessil Mekhtigian
Production: KayOh productions

Dessil Mekhtigian
Dessil Mekhtigian is a filmmaker in the making. Born in Paris, raised in Egypt, and of Armenian origin, she comes from a multicultural background and that is how she developed her essence of filming and telling stories. After graduating from the Lycée Français du Caire, she moved to Paris to study and work in costume design and after acquiring experience on a few sets in Paris as assistant costume designer, she finally applied to L’école de la Cité Cinéma to become a director. She graduated in 2018 and has been working on professional films and her own personal projects ever since.

From The Work of the Devil (short, 2022)