19 MIN
July 12th
Cinema House, Grand Hall

Two families live next door to each other. Only the mulberry tree unites and, at the same time, separates their houses. The tree is the source of their joys and tribulations.

Cast & Crew
Director: Gennady Melkonyan
Script: Eduard Akopov ((based on Zorayr Khalapyan’s story)
Director of Photography: Mikhail Vardanov
Production Design: GrigorTorosyan
Music: Armen Boyamyan
Sound: Anna Drozhenko
Editing: Sofia Gabrielyan
Cast: Razmik Aroyan, Leonid Sarkisov, Eleonora Petrosyan, Tamar Hovhannisyan
Production. Hayfilm

Gennady Melkonyan (1944 - 2002)
Gennady Melkomyan was born in Yerevan. Since 1962 he has worked in HayFilm studio as lighting technician, director's assistant, second director, and then director. In 1969 he graduated from the directing department of the Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography. He has directed a number of films, including Mulberry-Tree, The Last Sunday, The Kite day, Parajanov, the last autumn (1992) and others.

Mulberry-Tree (short.1979), Mother’s house (short, 1980), Surprise (1983), The Last Sunday (1985), The Kite day (1986), Speech (short, 1987), Parajanov, the last autumn (doc․ 1992), The art of the sanctuary (doc․, 1997), The touch (doc․2000)