101 MIN

When rebelling workers occupy Teresa’s family estate, she flees at the last minute into her armoured car. She is trapped, but refuses to negotiate. A thriller where two universes are about to collide.

Cast & Crew
Producer(s): Lívia de Melo
Director: Daniel Bandeira
Script: Daniel Bandeira
Director of Photography: Pedro Sotero
Production Designer: Maíra Mesquita
Music by: Caio Domingues, Nicolau Domingues
Sound: Lucas Caminha, Nicolau Domingues
Edit: Matheus Farias
Cast: Malu Galli, Zuleika Ferreira, Tavinho Teixeira, Samuel Santos, Edilson Silva
Production: Símio Filmes, Vilarejo Filmes, Lunática

Daniel Bandeira
Daniel Bandeira started in the audiovisual sector in 2001 through his production company, Símio Filmes. As an editor, he collaborated with several directors from Recife's cinema wave, such as Kleber Mendonça Filho, Camilo Cavalcanti and Gabriel Mascaro. In 2007, he debuted as a writer and director in feature films with his film Amigos de Risco. Since then, he co-directed some short films, like Under the Skin with Pedro Sotero and Soledad with Joana Gatis and Flávia Vilela. As an editor, he edited the features The Devil's Knot (2018), a collective production by Vermelho Profundo and Brasil S/A by Marcelo Pedroso, for which he won the Best Editing Award at the 2014 Brasília FF. Property is his second feature film project.

Amigos de Risco(2007), Goodbye, Farewell (short, 2009), Under the Skin (Co-dir., short, 2012), Soledad (Co-dir., short, 2015), Property (2022)